Friday, August 13, 2010


Hai guys what's up????

So......It's Ramadhan already! Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin everyone. Sorry for all of my mistake :-)

Well, up-date? hmm....finally #8 got a leader! It's Bayu Siswo!!! Woohoo!!!! He's so cool and he really deserved it. I mean all of the #8 are supporting him! And the secretary is Ebha!! She deserved it too. She's really good at doing things, I mean she would go from north to south just to find the things that we need. What a great friend she is :) And our farewell leader is Arvin!!! And for buken is Igar!! Isn't that fantastic? I hope we're gonna make a great generation and all of us gonna be friends with everyone :-D btw, I hope I make it to committee. I want to be the buken committee :p

Well, there's not much to say. So, ttyl! :*


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