Monday, July 9, 2012

Here I Am.

Let's look at the previous post. 
July 1st 2011. Now? July 9th 2012. 
Time fly so fast since I last update. I'm beginning to start writing again. Actually, I always wrote, but on an actual journal. Not on blogger. But it's more fun to type than to write with pen. So here it goes...

Hi. Still Haura. I'm 16th now. Went to 70 Senior High School. If you scroll down much, you'll find so much about me wanted to go to SMAN 70 in the past. Well, here I am now :-) I'm going to skip the introduction because it's going to take a while and I'm going to skip my sooooooooooooooo-long story in the first year of high school :-)

11.16 PM. July 9th 2012.

Got this weird unreasonably feeling and it just pop out. It's so late and I'm crying in my room like actual crying. I miss the good times. I just saw a movie about my junior high life. Not just that I miss my junior high life and friends. It's like I'm missing everything in the past. It was so good back there. So happy. I don't know...I'm missing a lot of laugh of mine. I miss everything. I just thinking that time's fly too fast I couldn't even recognize. Maybe in about 3 years from now I'm going to the same condition I have right now, missing my high school life. Because life is always about missing something. But it is okay to miss something right? It means that we had something special. Can we missing something if it's not special? Of course not. I'm missing junior high. I'm missing me back there. I miss my friends. My teachers. My peoples. Everything. And who knows? In 3 years like I said, I will be missing this life I have right now. I will be missing my silly high school life and everything that soon to be laughed in the future. 

Sometimes it hurts missing something like I am now and it ended tearing.

I just miss everything. That's all.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Terus berjuang sahabat hebat :")

Baru saja melewati masa2 beradaptasi di SMP Labschool Kebayoran, aku sudah harus mengucapkan "Selamat Tinggal" kepada bule terjorok yang pernah kukenal.

Baru saja mencintai angkatan delapan yang menurutku "one of a kind" dan juga "amazing" lalu harus ada empat orang pergi untuk melanjutkan cita-cita mereka.

Mengapa harus mereka? 

Mengapa harus si bule ? Perempuan tercantik yang sangat menyenangkan dan selalu bikin tertawa tetapi dapat gelar ratu terjorok yang suka mengumpulkan upil. Melalui 5 hari mos berkenalan dengan teman bule pertamaku. Melalui hari-hari dengan bersepeda bersama. Melalui hari dengan trio magic yang beranggota si cantik ini bersama DindaAlya dan Rani, Melalui hari terakhir dibandara  yang ahirnya setelah 1 tahun berkenalan lalu pada akhirnya harus berpisah.

Mengapa harus si hitam? Mengapa harus si tiang? Mengapa harus si skater? Mengapa harus si keren? Yang sudah 3 tahun, 2 untuk si skater bersama-sama. Punya canda tawa seluas lautan, Memori yang setinggi langit, dan Kesedihan meninggalkan mereka sedalam tanah. Bagi para lelaki mereka lebih seperti saudara kandung, mungkin bagi para perempuan juga, karena kita adalah satu. Benar? Baru pertama kali kulihat para lelaki bercucuran air mata meninggalkan kalian sang saudara, mungkin mereka baru merasakan apa yang kita para perempuan rasakan waktu kelas tujuh. Tetapi tentu saja para perempuan pun juga merasa kehilangan sahabat 3 tahunnya. Walaupun ada yang tidak terlalu dekat, tetapi tetap saja meninggalkan sahabat itu sangat berat. Apakah suasana akan seperti biasa, tanpa mereka?

Belum lagi ditambah yang mengejar cita-cita ke Bandung seperti bapak rusuh, ditambah ibu bijak yang insyaAllah akan menyusul. Ada juga yang meningkatkan ketaqwaan, melanjutkan ke pesantren contohnya si bapak gila yang menyanyi saat yel-yel wisuda. Apakah suasana akan seperti biasa, tanpa mereka?

Setiap manusia mempunyai cita-cita, dan kami tahu betul bahwa kalian mengejar cita-cita kalian dengan sungguh-sungguh. Seberapa jauh kita berpisah, namamu akan selalu ada di hati Scavolendra Talvoreight. Terus berjuang sahabat hebat! Kita akan bertemu kelak, dan kalian juga kami sudah menjadi orang-orang hebat!

Akhir kata -- Untuk Angkatan Delapan SMP Labschool Kebayoran.
Liburan tinggal satu minggu lagi. Satu minggu menuju sekolah baru, seragam baru, dan teman-teman baru. Satu minggu menuju kehidupan baru. Satu minggu menjadi anak putih abu-abu bukan putih biru. Sampai bertemu, Scavolendra Talvoreight. Tempat boleh berpisah, tapi hati kita bersama tidak akan pernah berpisah. Berjuang di kehidupan masing-masing. Nama angkatan delapan akan selalu ada di hati orang-orang. Karena seperti perkataan bu Thya, angkatan delapan anak-anaknya Luar Biasa. :_)

Lawakan malam.

Haura says:
 liat deh ini
 $ --> kata temen gue ini sate usu
nadya says:
 liat opoooooo
Haura says:
nadya says:
 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pager kawat
 ........... knp lo
 udah malem kali
Haura says:
 sabar ya lo gue emg kl malem2 gini

HAHAHA KOCAK BGT GAKSIH KANGEN NADYA BANGET :"""") terus dia ngasih gambar berjuang untuk sma :"( kemaren ngerasain lagi di kelas 9 kehilangan teman ke taruna nusantara ngulang lagi moment sedih nganter nadya ke bandara. Friends last forever I believe that :)<3

Friday, June 10, 2011

2. Something You Feel Strongly About

Doing something/activities that really are my thing, something that I really like. And I feel strongly doing it with smiles and happiness and it turns out to be great! :-)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

1. Five Ways To Win Your Heart.

1. To be honest about who he/she is no matter what's wrong/what's true.
2. To be able to care about life, things around him/her, that none of people didn't able to.
3. A person with beauty. Be careful, I don't mean "beauty" as in "pretty or good looking". I mean as beauty in heart :)
4. A person with strong connection to god really makes me impressed.
5. To be able to make me happy or smile only for something that he/she can do and none of the people can't.

30 Day Challenge

Usually this posted on tumblr. But I had my 10 Day Challenge on tumblr and I had no idea what to post in blogger so I post this. Enjoy! ;)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The video that will never got bored watching it.


It's been a long time since I posted right? Last time I posted a "wish me luck" post to UAN. And now It's already over, and I'm beginning to find a high school. Anyway a lot of new things here, like the photos above, I'm starting wearing a glasses. But I still find it uncomfortable so I take it off often.

Anyway, I already had the event Celebration Day or Farewell or in other school you can call it Prom. We had an amazing day. Our school farewell is very unlike other school. Because our generation theme is Union Of The World, so everything is about the that theme. Our year book is all about Union Of The World, like every class dressed as the class country and so did the Celebration Day. The place was all decorated like an airplanes. Because it seems like we take a journey Around The World in one day by a plane. It was really awesome! Don't forget the show was all awesome too! I promise I'll post the photos soon! :D

At Celebration Day I didn't feel sad or anything. But when I got home, I saw lots of photos in Farewell, and I started thinking that, this is it, this is really it, the time is here, the time to leave all of the memories in junior high, the time to leave all the beloved teachers, the time to leave the beautiful place of Labschool Kebayoran, the time to leave all of the amazing friend, that I know we can't find it anywhere but in here, the time to leave Scavolendra Talvoreight. It really is hard you know. At first, we lost Nadya. It was already hard. But now, we lost all of them. It really is the time to say goodbye. But I realize that, eight is a typical entity which figure a never ending story. And we never had an ending story. Our story never end. It will go on and go on and go on. I'm sure that no matter how far we gone, our heart still as one. I love you guys too much so it'll hard to let go all of you. Surely gonna miss you all SVR! I take my words, it's not goodbye, but it's see you soon! :_D

Big kisssssss xoxoxoxoxoxo